High School Sophomores: Questions You Should Be Asking Your Counselor

Congratulations! You survived freshman year! As you move into your sophomore year, you’ve got the basics covered, like where to sit at lunch, how to navigate your halls to the next class, and other helpful things that got you this far. Even if you think you have it all figured out, your school counselor should still be at the top of your priority list when planning for your sophomore year.

Not sure what to ask? Here’s a few ideas to get the conversation started:

1. Am I on track to graduate?

Back to the basics, we know – but it’s SO important to make sure you’re on the right track to finish high school. By taking a glance at your transcripts and class schedule with someone who can give you a high-five of validation, you can beam into your next class with confidence knowing that you’re on the right track. Great job, fam!

2. Which AP courses would you recommend for me?

AP classes aren’t one-size fits all, and it’s crucial to know and understand how you can fit into them. If your school offers AP courses, ask for more information. Advanced Placement (AP) options are typically available starting sophomore year. (OH HEYYY, THAT’S YOU!) When you express any interest in these classes, your counselor can help choose classes that make sense for you and find a time in your schedule to make it work.

3. Should I take the ACT or SAT?

Ah, good old, standardized testing. It’s never too early to start preparing for these to ensure you max out on the best score possible – and remember, these tests are only a short year away! Be sure to ask questions about options, prep courses and tutoring, as well as fee waivers!

4. How can I start building my college resume?

As a freshman, you were working to adapt to your new environment before taking on a ton of extracurricular activities. Now that you’re established as a sophomore, feel free to join clubs, sports, student government — whatever makes you happy! Being involved is the greatest way to network with other students and teachers, while making an impressive mark on your resume. If the clubs aren’t your thing, there are other ways like internships, volunteering, and much more.

5. Are there any scholarships or awards available to me?

Who doesn’t love free money? While there are so many available, students often forget to ask about them. Be sure to ask your school counselor about scholarships and awards you can strive for. For example, you may be interested in applying to be a National Merit Scholar. (Love that for you!) You’ll thank yourself later when applying for student loans and grants.

6. Can you help me brainstorm ways to manage stress while in high school?

We get it. High school is INSANELY stressful at times. When the going gets tough, your school counselor is the perfect person to pour your troubles into. Don’t hesitate to confide in them about personal challenges at home, unrelated to school. This is their favorite part about being a guide for you – to offer resources and ways to beat stress.

By meeting with your new BFF – your school counselor, you can guarantee that you can both agree on some life-changing strategies to elevate your experience while in high school and benefit you greatly. From feelings to FAFSA, your counselor has your back.