Cracking the College Growth Mindset Code

Woman in white tank top sitting on laptop on bed college planning

It’s never too early to start thinking about what you want your college experience to be like. Are you excited about finding your squad and making lifelong friends? Maybe you’re focused on crushing your academic goals and landing your dream job. Understanding your College Growth Mindset will help you prepare for the college experience YOU want.

Most students can self-identify with one of the following college mindsets. Take a look at these mindsets and see which one sounds like you. Visit our College Growth Mindsets page to learn more about each mindset’s top priorities for choosing a college, what to ask on college tours, tips for the best college experience, and so much more!

Once you identify your mindset, you’ll know what to look for in a college experience. Then, you can use the Encourage app to explore colleges, majors, and careers that fit your mindset.

Encourage App

The Dynamo!

Dynamos are driven and love learning by doing! Whether through a part-time job or internship, everything they do has a purpose and will ultimately benefit their future. Ready to learn more about The Dynamo?

Discover: The Dynamo

The Vector

Vectors are collaborative leaders who value building relationships. They are the life of the party and want to engage in every social activity that comes their way! Check out more about The Vector here.

Explore: The Vector

The Futurist

Futurists are goal-oriented problem-solvers focused on the long game. They view college as the vehicle that helps them prepare for their career and achieve their life goals! Read more about The Futurist!

Discover: The Futurist

The Expediter

Expediters are resourceful, goal-driven problem solvers. For them, college is a means to an end—a way to gain the practical experience needed to jumpstart a career. Want to learn more about The Expediter?

Explore: The Expediter

The Catalyst

Catalysts are open-minded, creative, and curious about the world. They want to experience far-off adventures and find ways to make the world a better place. Think The Catalyst sounds like you?

Discover: The Catalyst

The Sage

Sages are critical thinkers and academic achievers. They have a vision for the future and know where they want to go in life. They’re likely thinking about how they will get to graduate school after earning a college degree. Want to learn more about The Sage?

Explore: The Sage